Fluxo Is A Lamp That Exhibits True Smarts

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Good lighting can mean the difference between time for business and business time. That’s why Fluxo is so cool. This unique crowdfunded light bulb can do all the color-changing magic you’re used to but can also cast light in various directions including up at the ceiling and at specific corners of the room.

The light is surprisingly compact but features a number of LEDs that can throw light in various configurations. The bulb is controlled via app and lets to choose the configuration instantly by sliding your finger around a representation of the Fluxo.

Unfortunately you can’t think of the $400 Fluxo as just a light bulb. Imagine it as a smart lamp that replaces your overhead lights entirely. It offers 2800 lumen RGBW light – that’s red, green, blue, and white – and consists of multiple rings of LEDs above and below the lamp. It also turns itself on and off automatically when it senses motion and can be connected to almost any lighting arrangement.

The Fluxo comes to us from a team of Robert Kopka and Lukas Pilat. They have former Philips engineers on their board and they are based in Vienna. I’ve seen the actual product and was impressed and I’m confident they will be able to ship in September.

While a $400 light bulb is a hard sell, a lamp like Fluxo is pretty compelling. It replaces your janky chandelier in one device and, because it’s directional, you can create dramatic lighting effects by shining bright white LEDs into the eyes of dinner guests while you interrogate them about the whereabouts of the secret nuclear submarine base. That, at least, is what I’d do if I had a Fluxo, and we all know that it’s a good idea to suss out pertinent details from spies/friends before the outbreak of World War III.

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