Antivirus Software Pioneer John McAfee Is Running For President

Fresh off of a DUI and gun possession arrest last month, software pioneer John McAfee has decided that the presidency of the United States is his next logical step.

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After McAfee hinted the move to Wired in a piece that was published earlier today, The Hill reports that he has filed the necessary paperwork to enter the 2016 race. In the documents, McAfee also specifies that he is “founding a new party yet to be announced.”

His presidential campaign site, which is now live, doesn’t seem to offer any details on his stances on the issues, but it does have a donate button.

McAfee, who founded the antivirus software company (now owned by Intel) that bears his name in 1987, has had a fairly bizarre past couple years involving murder, bribery and government corruption.

This has been a particularly wild election season already, but even this announcement is a crazy development.

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