Oculus Connect 2 Will Give Developers What They Need For Consumer Rift Launch

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Oculus is hosting its second annual primary developer conference between September 23 and 25, the company announced today. The big show, called ‘Connect 2’ in keeping with the original event last September, will feature keynote presentations from Oculus execs Michael Abrash, John Carmack and Brendan Iribe, and will also provide “everything developers need to know to launch on the Rift and Gear VR.”

Consumer versions of both those hardware virtual reality platforms are coming soon; Oculus announced that it would begin taking pre-orders for the public launch of Rift later this year, with an anticipated retail date of early next year. They also confirmed that plans were still in place to deliver a consumer-ready version of Gear VR, the mobile headset it created in partnership with Samsung, for later in 2015.

Chances are, final or near-final hardware for both these devices will be available for testing and project feasibility evaluation purposes at this event, which could present a unique opportunity for devs targeting launch day software availability (provided we don’t see Oculus unveil some kind of preparatory developer hardware update between now and then).

If you’r interested in going, applications for tickets will go up on the official Connect site beginning in June. This should be the most exciting and information-packed Oculus event yet, given where the company will be in terms of its product plans at that stage in the game, so expect a big partner presence here, too.

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