Can You Tell If These 10 Ridiculous App Ideas Are Real Or Fake?

An app that measures your sexual performance? An anti-drunk dialer? A set of Rorschach tests that tell you how stoned you are? Watch the video above to see if you can tell which of these absurd startups are fake and which are real…signs the tech industry has lost its mind.

I played this “App Or Crap” game on stage in front of a live audience as a guest on The Kinda Late Show With Broke-Ass Stuart, a local San Francisco late night TV show. Imagine The Jimmy Kimmel Show, but filmed in a bar.

The monthly variety hour is hilarious, and recently featured MythBuster’s Kari Byron and Tekzilla’s Veronica Belmont. Plus it held the “SF Douche Of The Year” awards, blasting the Dropbox soccer bros and a girl whining that riot cops were blocking her Uber. If you’re in The Bay Area, come check out the next taping.

Check out the rest of my segment to hear me riff on Uber, Tinder, and why snark beats compassion when it comes to Twitter:

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