Get Your Disrupt Europe Hackathon Tickets Now #hackdisrupt

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Blimey! It’s happening already. TechCrunch’s Disrupt Europe Hackathon will be in London in just over a week! Get your tickets now!

In case you’re in need of a refresher, our weekend long event kicks off on Saturday, October 18th at 12:30pm. On Sunday after just over 20 hours of building, teams will have 60 seconds to present their projects to our panel of judges.

Teams that pitch onstage will be eligible for Disrupt tickets*, TechCrunch’s $5,000 prize or any number of monetary, gadget or toy geekery prizes from our sponsors. Not bad for a weekend’s “work.”

We’re particularly tickled on this occasion to be returning to Europe as the event tends to attract participants from all over. In 2013, 42 countries were represented at the hackthon.

Our winner, Foursquare Pre-Checkin, is a great example of what awesome things can come together in just a few hours. Though four of the five on the team knew each other, the group began brainstorming projects once they arrived at the hackathon.

Speaking with the Foursquare sponsor, our winners saw an opportunity to build something they themselves found valuable. When they realized Foursquare didn’t enable pre-checkins, they decided to build one themselves using MongoDB. By projecting the locations in their own database and then correlating them with the Foursquare locations, they were able to figure out where people said they would be in the future.

Advice from our winners for participants? Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and build something that you would use. Well said.

So bring your most creative, wacky or, dare I say, useful ideas for a hack, find some mates and get down to it. We can’t wait to see what you build.
*Our judges will rate all presentations, and only the teams earning a score of 3 or above will receive two tickets to the conference.

Old Billingsgate (map)
Hacking will commence on Saturday, October 18 at 12:30 p.m.
Presentations will begin on Sunday October 19 11:00 a.m.

Follow us @techcrunch for more details.

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