European Entrepreneurs Step Up To The Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge has wended it’s way around the world and is now gradually hitting the European tech startup community. After a little encouragement from my own attempt the duly nominated Alicia Navarro, cofounder and CEO of Skimlinks in London went and had almost her entire team dowsed in ice water (for which she donated money to ALS and the Malala Fund.

(While David Rowan (Wired UK) and Michael Acton Smith (Mind Candy) have yet to fulfil their nominations, at least columnist Milo Yiannopoulos (Business Insider) performed his).

Also stepping up was Emi Gal of Brainient.

Meanwhile, across Europe, Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio’s Mighty Eagle did his challenge by the freezing waters of Helsinki then nominated the Deputy Prime Minister of Finland. Shooing high there Peter.

And Ilkka Paananen of Supercell has popped in to the challenge, after being nominated by his investor, Masayoshi Son of Softbank.

Let us know if you spot any more European startups taking the Ice Bucket Challenge for charity and we’ll post them here.

Here’s Metric

Here’s Payfriendz

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