Kinetise Lets Devs Create Five Working Mobile Apps At Once

Mobile app creators are a dime-a-dozen. However, few are as thorough and powerful as Kinetise, which allows you to create apps in a few minutes and then deploy them on iOS, Android, Blackberry OS, Java, and Windows Phone. Interestingly, it works.

To demonstrate it, the team has recreated the entire Facebook app in their own service – it can be found here – and the NBA news app here. Each app costs $1,000 to deploy once it’s complete. The apps can use various widgets including RSS display systems, image uploaders, maps, and even Twitter streams. You can also add interactive elements like buttons and data entry fields.

To be clear, you’re not going to recreate Angry Birds in this platform, but presumably you don’t want to. The real value is for casual designers who might want to build a cross-platform app for events, companies, or organizations. Because the apps work with all major platforms the users can access the app on any app. A built-in demo screen shows you what the app will look like on each platform.

The project began when the founders, Piotr Pawlak and Jakub Kujawski saw a need for a simple app editor for their tech-savvy clients.

“As a software development house we have noticed an increased number of enquiries regarding mobile apps development. But unfortunately, potential clients could not afford development budgets. We saw a niche here: creating an engine, that will enable developing apps extremely fast and offer using it for just a small fraction of usual development budgets,” said Pawlak.

The company is paying for Kinetise’s development through their parent company, Fun and Mobile, where they specialize in more complex projects.

The team launched their product last year and it is about to leave beta. It is fully featured and fully customizable and, given that I was able to produce a very simple app in about a minute, it looks like a solid and usable platform.

Given that there are a plethora of mobile app creators out there, Kinetise has a long fight ahead of it. But, from what I saw and given the complexity of the demo apps they produced in a day, I’d be willing to wager that these lads have something interesting on their hands.

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