A 3D Printed Cast That Can Heal Your Bones 40-80% Faster

It looks like something from the Borg (read, cool), but it’s actually a cast for healing bones.

The Osteoid, created by Turkish student Deniz Karasahin, incorporates 3D printing and ultrasonic tech to make healing a broken bone more bearable.

The idea of ultrasonic healing vibrations to heal bones (and other wounds) has been around for a while. But the problem was doctors couldn’t get past the plaster cast to apply the vibrational therapy.

Take a look at the pic below and you’ll see the Osteoid’s skeletal design allows ultrasonic drivers to be placed directly on the skin.

The Osteoid is just a prototype at the moment. However, future production will enable each individual to have a custom-fitted cast.

Combine this cast with the accompanying low-intensity, pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) bone stimulator system (shown above) and, according to Karasahin:

For single 20 minute daily sessions this system promises to reduce the healing process up to 38% and increase the heal rate up to 80% in non-union fractures.

The only downside is you won’t be able to get your friends to sign it anymore.





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