Apple CEO Tim Cook Lauds Office On iPad, Chides Microsoft For Not Delivering It Earlier

Apple CEO Tim Cook took time to answer a question about Microsoft Office for iPad arriving this past month, and his answer was surprisingly long. “I do see that Office is a very key franchise,” he said, and also added that he “wholeheartedly welcome[s] Microsoft to the App Store.”

Cook admitted that Apple’s “customers are clearly responding in a good way that [Office] is available,” and also said it’s definitely a good thing for the iPad in the enterprise and for enterprise users. But it wasn’t all praise for Apple’s long-time rival and occasional partner.

“If it had been done earlier, it would’ve been better for Microsoft frankly,” Cook said about Office’s arrival on Apple’s tablet, which is indeed something users have been asking about for years, ever since the original launch of the iPad itself. To its credit, Microsoft did manage to deliver a solid product that really does nail the tablet user interface and a mobile user experience, even if it is a shame that its full functionality is locked behind the requirement for a recurring Office 365 subscription.

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