Interviewly Puts All The Best Reddit AMAs In One Easy To Read Place

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A number of notable people have invited the masses on Reddit to ask them any question they want, or “Ask Me Anything (AMA)” — from President Barack Obama, to Bill Gates, to Madonna, to Al Gore, and many others. But the free-for-all nature that makes Reddit AMAs so fascinating is not the most readable format for posterity.

Thankfully, there’s a new site called Interviewly that puts the most compelling Reddit AMAs into an easy to read interview format. Interviewly was built as a side project by Dan Drabik, a New York City-based software developer who works full-time at Kickstarter.

Drabik explains Interviewly’s purpose on the site’s about page like this:

“Reddit is great, but the format isn’t conducive to interviews (so AMA’s end up a bit ugly and hard to follow). I’ve cleaned them up a bit, added photos, ordered the questions chronologically, and broken them into categories. For now, I’ve focused on the interviews of well-known people, but that may expand in the future.”

It’s a simple and clever service built by a technologist who wanted it for himself, and figured others would probably find it useful too — no hype needed. Much like Reddit’s AMA feature, this kind of stuff is what makes the web great.

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