Slideshow Of Stylish Women In Tech Includes Women Who Compiled The List co-founders Rachel Sklar and Glynnis MacNicol have apparently* voted for themselves as #2 on Lucky Magazine’s list of “The Top 25 Most Stylish Women In Tech.”

The list, which includes Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer (twice!), is heavy on the East Coast women, which, if you believe my Secret feed, are generally more attractive and fashionable than San Francisco women.

Now as I haven’t left the house in anything more snazzy than yoga pants for the past two months because carbs, I completely understand my own omission.

But, with all due respect to the sartorially savvy ladies like Jenna Wortham and Chloe Sladden who solidly represent here, these sorts of lists can be very subjective. Many of them are just an excuse for the writer to promote friends or people they like who also happen to exemplify the characteristic in question.

For example, why aren’t Sophia Amoruso, Ligaya Tichy, Ashley Mayer, Melody McCloskey, Leila Janah, Katia Beauchamp, Jennifer Hyman, Brooke HammerlingClara Shih, Aileen Lee, Gina Bianchini, Sarah Lane, Brandee Barker, Kelsey Falter, Katie Stanton, Emily WhiteBrit Morin, Evelyn Rusli, Deena VarshavskayaRuzwana Bashir, Devon Biondi, Darya Pino-Rose, Jess Lee, Kirsty Nathoo, Kate Imbach, Tracy Chou, Elle Luna, Sarah KunstLeena Rao, Maya Baratz, Cyan BanisterEmily Olson, Caroline McCarthy, Amanda Rosenberg, Colleen Taylor, Kim-Mai CutlerMeaghan Rose, Megan Quinn, Morgan Missen or Mike Isaac on this list?

Perhaps one of them could take Marissa Mayer’s second slot?

According to at least one man on our team, “best dressed women” lists continue to proliferate gender stereotypes in our profession. But, I don’t think so. When done in the right way, ”tech culture” coverage like superlative lists can be quite awesome and useful, albeit sometimes ridiculous and fluffy.

In fact, I can’t wait until we can roll out our own arbitrary lists once AOL gets around to our “add slideshow functionality” change request: “40 Best Founders Over 40,” “Hottest Gadget Bloggers In Mid-Michigan” and “Top 2,500 Most Stylish Women In Tech” here we come.

[Update: Other dressy techies I forgot to include are Jordan Crook, Kara Swisher, Jolie O’Dell, Laura June Topolsky, Joanna Stern, Theresia GouwKatie Notopoulos, Susan Hobbs, Susan LyneLeslie HitchcockHunter Walk and Aubrey Sabala.]

[*Update 2: Despite the confusing nature of the Lucky slideshow format, Rachel Sklar has messaged me to clarify that she and Glynnis MacNicol did not author this list, and did not suggest themselves to Maura Brannigan who built the slideshow. In fact, their inclusion — presented in the same format as all the list participants — was meant to highlight that they were list “helpers.”

The collaboration, according to Sklar, consisted of sending a “bunch of names and brief descriptions” of their picks to Lucky Digital Editor Verena Von Pfetten. Pfetten has since updated the list headline to “31 Most Stylish Women In Tech” and removed Jenna Wortham at Wortham’s request.

There are now 27 slides in the slideshow, with multiple women featured on each slide. See how this could get confusing?

“We don’t presume to have a lock on all things stylish, in tech or anywhere else, but love to highlight accomplished, impressive women any chance we get,” Sklar says. “We’re planning more such collaborations with Lucky and will be sure to make the distinction clearer going forward!”]

Top image via Sam Biddle

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