Police Using 3D Scanners For Panoramic Crime Scene Analysis

Police in Roswell, NM are now using 3D scanners to virtually map crime scenes, allowing investigators, jurors, judges, and lawyers to inspect the environment from any angle with a 3D, panoramic image.

The Roswell Police Department is just one of many police departments currently using Faro Technology‘s 3D imaging hardware to analyze crime scenes. In other words, you’ll probably see this kind of crime scene scanning on one of your favorite TV shows very soon.

This could play a significant role in solving crimes, as well as prosecuting crimes in the court room. The ability to see the crime scene from any perspective gives jurors more insight into the case than any 2D picture could.

Roswell’s police department has been requesting this equipment since 2008, and has finally achieved their goal in a capital outlay program that cost $86,000.

Faro Technology offers a device that uses a laser and various touchpoint markers to measure every cubic inch of the scene. It’s called the Focus3D, and it is equipped with a touchscreen, GPS, and a height sensor. The handheld device connects to computers via a WLan connection.

The final is a lot like using Apple Maps or Google Maps in 3D mode, but with far more detail on a smaller area.

[via Vice]

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