Unfurlough.us Helps Shutdown Victims Find Freelance Work With A Google Doc-Turned-Website

The Internet has collectively put their brains together to help furloughed federal employees weather the shutdown. unfurlough.us is a crowdsourced spreadsheet of freelanace gigs for out-of-work employees was a joing project by the clever folks at Washington D.C. startup incubator, 1776, and Blen Corp–which is entirely powered by open source software.

After the original public Google doc gained some Internet virality, 1776 gave it a makeover with a new design and a more sophisticated data backend. To be sure, it’s a half-measure solution: there are an estimated 870,000 furloughed government employees and unforlough.us only has a few dozen positions (see a realtime graphic of the shutdown numbers here).

Still, it’ll help some folks find work and it’s better than selling your possessions on Craigslist for cash.

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