Gillmor Gang: Inch by Inch

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The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Dan Farber, John Taschek, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor — added up the Apple announcements, the Twitter IPO, and why Chromecast’s Cloud-to-Device model will stick. No consensus on this last point, but since AirPlay does a little of both strategies, we’ll know soon enough.

The biometric capabilities and low-power bluetooth chip of the new iPhones may not seem a breakthrough, based as the tech is on well-trod ground. But mobile is about the signature of its omnipresence, and the thumbprint will save bucketloads of time that will endow the new habits with strategic signatures and business models they suggest. Meanwhile, I’m off to AutoRip me a new one.

@stevegillmor, @dbfarber, @jtaschek, @scobleizer, @kteare

Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor

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