Hey Reddit, These Subreddits Are Totally Default Worthy, Too

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Reddit just changed its default subreddits for the first time since October 2011. As part of the new Reddit switcheroo, /r/politics and /r/atheism, two of the most controversial areas on the site, were booted off the links Reddit users see before they log in. Some Redditors worried that this was evidence the site is “going mainstream,” but CEO Yishan Wong responded that the change is to highlight subreddits that “show a lot of promise.”

These include /r/books, /r/earthporn, /r/explainlikeimfive, /r/television and /r/gifs, all of which were added to the new lineup. While those five subreddits are certainly worthy of more attention, there are hundreds of subreddits that fly under the radar despite being filled with front page-worthy material. Here are a few that deserve to be honored with a place on the navigation bar.

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