Gillmor Gang: The 10 Percent Solution

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The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Kevin Marks, John Taschek, and Steve Gillmor — watched in amazement as Apple’s stock price tanked due to their blowout quarter and two-thirds ownership of the U.S. smartphone revenue. @scobleizer gave it a 70% chance that he would bolt the Apple Fanboy ranks by the end of February, but only a 10% chance that an unexpected breakthrough from an unexpected source would change the world by the end of 2013.

That, of course, leaves Google to account for Robert’s waning enthusiasm for Tim Cook’s lack of leadership and lack of SteveJobsness. But what Jobs triggered was a continuous wave of innovation driven by the engaged forces of the Google/Apple contest. And as @jtaschek points out, fostered in the competitive playground of the carriers where innovation in bandwidth fuels the social players. You don’t have to wait for the end of February to place your own bet on the percentage likelihood of disruption in this year of dreams coming true.

@stevegillmor, @scobleizer, @jtaschek, @kevinmarks

Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor

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