U.S. Military Once Tested A ‘Tsunami Bomb’

“Presumably if the atomic bomb had not worked as well as it did, we might have been tsunami-ing people,” said filmmaker Ray Waru, who uncovered a secret experimental weapon of mass destruction during World War II. New Zealand national archives reveal that it was feasible for a series of underwater offshore blasts to generate a 33-foot tsunami. For comparison, the tsunami that devastated Japan in 2011 was about 4-times as high, at 132-feet in some areas.

“Project Seal” was shelved in 1945, because experts concluded that it would take about 2 million kilograms of explosives aligned about 5 miles outside of the shore.

Waru’s new book, Secrets and Treasures, also reveals other juicy conspiracy tidbits, such as thousands of reported UFO sightings.

“If you put it in a James Bond movie it would be viewed as fantasy but it was a real thing,” he said.

[Image Credit: Flickr]

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