Gift Guide: Mujjo Touchscreen Gloves

Short Version

The Nokia Lumia 920 can be used with any gloves: it’s a miracle. But for the vast majority of other smartphones, that’s not the case, so there are a variety of sellers making touchscreen compatible gloves. Netherlands-based Mujjo was one of the first to try making some that are actually stylish and durable. This year, they updated their basic model (as well as introduced some expensive leather ones), and the improvements make them an even better buy.

Long Version



Mujjo Touchscreen Gloves Are…

… gloves that are actually decently warm, comfortable and good-looking, while still offering very accurate and responsive compatibility with standard capacitive touchscreens like those used on the iPhone, iPad and Android devices. These are also a step above the generic ones you’d find on Amazon, though they’re also a tad more expensive.

Buy Mujjo Gloves For…

… people who like to stay warm but also use their devices while outside, perhaps in the harsh winters of Canada, Fargo or Alaska. Actually these are just about the right comfort level for anywhere where it gets cold enough to snow, and do a good job of keeping digits insulated without making your hands sweaty.


… they’re a cut above the rest of the pack in terms of quality, durability and design. And they’re made by a small accessory hardware startup in the Netherlands that got started in 2010, so you’re supporting entrepreneurs committed to creating awesome products and also helping a friend or loved one keep their hands warm and also touchscreen-friendly.

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