As #BoxWorks 2012 Wraps Up, Here Are 10 Words With Box CEO Aaron Levie

Attending this year’s #BoxWorks conference has been extremely interesting for me, as I’ve gotten to talk to a group of people that I rarely interact with — enterprise folks. There’s a nice mix of developers here, too, which makes it feel much more comfortable for those of us not working for a gigantic company. Well, I suppose I work for a gigantic company, but you know what I mean.

Box’s CEO, Aaron Levie, is an interesting speaker, leader and ambassador for a new breed of enterprise entrepreneurs and enthusiasts. What he and Box stand for is something bigger than just a conference.

In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the closing sessions at #BoxWorks 2012, I played a bit of word association with the man who has mastered the 140 character tweet (TC’s words are in bold):

Coming back

Infinite possibilities


Time running out

Differentiate it

Gangnam Style
Best movement ever

Silicon Valley

Democratizes Tech

We need more of them

Just getting started

On the conference itself, here’s what Levie told me: “I think it’s going really great. This is only our second year and it’s been incredibly successful as far as the content and the ideas that we’ve heard from customers. It’s been a super exciting couple of days, and I really want to sleep.”

Sleep sounds good, but we’re on to the Weezer concert tonight, which completely epitomizes the movement that Levie is anchoring.

[Photo credit: Flickr]

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