The Force Is Strong With Rovio In New Angry Birds/Star Wars Mashup Teaser

Rovio is doing something Star Wars-themed with Angry Birds on October 8, according to a new animated GIF the company posted to its new Tumblr page today. Obvious thing’s first: That’s clearly an Angry Bird dressed in a Jedi robe and wielding a lightsaber. Got it? Good, cause the rest is a mystery.

Rovio does provide a hint, however, noting that heading to Toys “R” Us at 8 AM EST (two hours ahead of the 10 AM EST announcement/event/happening/something planned for Times Square) would be a good idea. Toys “R” Us sells toys, so there’s a strong possibility we’ll see some cross-licensing action going on with plush or plastic figures. Lucasfilm is no stranger to licensing, as we’ve seen with deals with Lego, Mimobot and many other companies in the past, and there’s this thing from ThinkGeek, which looks pretty much like it already could be an Angry Birds-branded crossover product.

The real question will be, does this mean we get a Star Wars-themed Angry Birds game, too? Lucasfilm has also licensed its Star Wars properties for use in other iOS games, including Lego titles. There’s really not much downside for either company, unless one or both of them don’t like money.

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