Final Build Of Windows Phone 8 Demoed

To date, Microsoft has kept hands on time with its Windows Phone 8 devices to a minimum (read: you can look but don’t touch) and until recently, a finalized build of the SDK has been limited to only a handful of developers. A leaked SDK of said build, however, has been floating around as of late and WP Central posted the following video of what it says is not a thorough walkthrough of the upcoming OS but covers “things we noticed immediately.”

At first glance, it doesn’t reveal anything that hasn’t already been seen, talked about or currently present in Windows Phone 7+ but as WPC points out, it could mean that Microsoft is keeping a few things under wraps until the OS is ready for launch. Or there isn’t anything else left to show. Which, if true, begs the question of why Microsoft is holding back the launch of Windows Phone 8 nearly a month after Apple’s latest handset and mobile OS will have launched.

It obviously has more to do with the launch of Windows 8 at the end of October but conventional wisdom would suggest that’s a bonehead move.

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