Disney Brings More Live Kids’ Content Online Through Comcast’s Xfinity TV Website

Disney is getting in on the TV Everywhere game in a big way, by bringing even more of its live kids content online with partner Comcast. The move will help Disney reach its viewers on new platforms, and offer up new ways for them to access its content online.

Up until recently, most TV Everywhere content was on demand. So you could watch cable TV episodes of content online soon after it had aired. So video apps like HBO GO or even most of the content on Comcast’s Xfinity TV website were filled with on-demand content. But Disney is making a big push behind live content through a number of new apps and web experiences.

Disney’s live efforts started with its WatchESPN app last year, which allowed pay TV subscribers for the first time to authenticate with their cable or satellite providers and watch stuff like SportsCenter or Monday Night Football. Now they can also watch all sorts of live Disney content, both on apps and online. Comcast is also bringing more live content to Xfinity TV online, with channels for CNN and HLN already available.

The rollout of live Disney channels on Comcast’s video site follows a deal that the two companies completed earlier this year. It also follows Comcast’s connection to the WatchESPN app, as well as Disney’s rollout of apps for the iPhone and iPad. The deal could also give Disney a bit of a boost on a channel that it can control, as its content — and kids shows in general — have become pretty popular through online channels like Netflix.

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