Disrupt NYC Hackathon – More Details

We’re less than two weeks away from 24 hours of sheer hacking bliss.

We’ve also released the final batch of tickets for the event, so if you’re planning on hacking, this is your final chance to get tickets.


Developers looking to find a group to hack with, toss your hat in the ring at: http://bit.ly/nyc-disrupt-collab.

Likewise, if you’re a designer looking to find a team for the event, add your details to the Design Trust form at: http://bit.ly/nyc-disrupt-dt

New API Workshop Sessions

In addition to our previously announced workshops, we’ve added another lecture area to allow for a whole new batch of great API workshops.

Microsoft – 2pm

Presenter: Danilo Diaz, Microsoft Developer Evangelist where he helps developers understand Microsoft’s product offerings and strategy.

Come learn more about the award winning Windows Phone platform and how to make your apps come alive on it! You’ll hear more from Developer Evangelist Dani Diaz on how to build beautiful apps on Windows Phone.

To get yourself prepared, you should review the Windows Phone Training & Download Windows Phone Tools SDK

Mashery – 3pm

Presenter: Amit Jotwani, Developer Advocate & Front-end Developer at Mashery

Mashery is the world leader in API technology and services helping over 150 companies manage their APIs. “Read Less, do more” is the mantra of this workshop. Developers will get a taste of API Explorer – an interactive documentation system designed to learn and explore RESTful APIs like Klout, USA TODAY, Rovi, Whit.li, NY Times and many more. Hacks built using any APIs listed in our API Explorer would be eligible for Mashery prize. Additionally, we’d be giving out beer-opening USB drives with code libraries and tools from our Mashery Hack Shortcut station onsite.

Details regarding Mashery’s API can be found at: http://dev.mashery.com/iodocs

CityGrid – 4pm

Presenter: Kin Lane, Developer Evangelist for CityGrid

Monetize your local web and mobile applications using CityGrid.

Local advertising is expected to grow 18% from $15.7 billion this year to $18.5 billion according to Borrell & Associates. Local advertising is a primary way for developers to monetize their web and mobile apps. Learn how to monetize your apps with CityGrid mobile, web, or custom advertising APIs and Places that Pay. Developers can earn revenue from just displaying information about certain businesses and connecting users with merchants via reviews, offers, images, videos, social networks and on the phone. Understand how to maximize your applications revenue with local advertising, but also go beyond advertising by delivering valuable content to your users, while also generating money.

Details regarding the CityGrid API can be found at:   http://docs.citygridmedia.com/display/citygridv2/CityGrid+APIs

City of New York – 5pm

Presenter: Andrew Nicklin, Director of Research and Development, Office of Strategic Technology Development, NYC DoITT

The City of New York provides an open data platform that gives access to more than 750 data sets structured in a way the makes them available using just one API. Join Andrew as he gives a guided tour of the catalog and demonstrates the use of the API that will unlock city data for you.

Details regarding NYC OpenData can be found at: https://nycopendata.socrata.com/


With all the workshops taking place, it might get a little bewildering deciding which technologies to use.  To help you with your decision, we’ve got a handful of contests designed to help you get the most out of your hacking experience.

AT&T will be awarding $5,000 in cash plus up to five mobile devices for the team that develops a mobile app using AT&T Cloud Architect (free trial promo code to be provided)
CityGrid will be awarding $5K to the winning team that can bring our local content and monetization platform to life.  Apps built on the platform during the official hackday will be judged based on the following criteria:
Mashery will be offering a Red JAMBOX – bluetooth speaker and speakerphone for best hack built using any API(s) listed on their API Explorer (http://dev.mashery.com/iodocs)
Microsoft will run a raffle for giving out 20 Lumia 800s. Anyone who demos a prototype on the Windows Phone is eligible. Additionally, they will have 1 grand prize of a Nokia Lumia 800 + Xbox 360 250GB + Kinect bundle + Windows Phone app hub token for the most innovative use of Windows Phone platform.
Mobli will be giving the top implementation of their API a $10,000 cash prize on the spot!
TokBox will be offering up an iPad 3 for best use of OpenTok.  More details on the API at: http://www.tokbox.com/opentok/api
Twilio is giving away an AR Drone quadricopter for the best use of the Twilio API. Winning team members will also receive a swag pack including Twilio track jackets, credit, t-shirts and stickers.
The EchoNest will be offering two iPad 3s for the best two uses of The Echo Nest and a patented Echo Nest Sweatsedo for the 3rd place.
Knod.es will be awarding 1,000 $1 bills and a $250 JetBlue gift card to help fly your team out for A-list VC meetings…orrr just to take your winnings on the road to Vegas.
metaLayer is sponsoring an AppleTV for the best use of their image API and an Amazon Kindle for the best use of their text API.

Another Judge in the Mix

We’ve also added one more judge to the Hackathon competition.  Her merits speak for themselves and she’s an amazing addition to our current panel.

Christina Cacioppo, Investment team at Union Square Ventures

Christina works on the investment team at Union Square Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm in New York City and teaches in SVA’s Interaction Design department. Previously, she’s been on design research teams in Germany, worked as a reporter in East Africa and as a Googler in Mountain View. Christina studied economics and design at Stanford.

You can find Christina on Twitter @  http://twitter.com/christinacaci and her personal site at http://christinacacioppo.com

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