Samsung’s TV Content Plan: Renewed Focus On Apps And 3D

Samsung has already pulled back the curtains on their new flagship Smart TV, but really — what good is a TV without content? To that end, Samsung Consumer Electronics President Tim Baxter took a few moments to talk about Samsung’s new content initiatives.

Baxter nother nveiled new applications from Samsung’s content partners, like MGo from Technicolor, which takes an interesting approach to delivering content to multiple devices at the same time. Using MGo, users can watch a movie on the big screen, while additional content (think deleted scenes and commentary) are displayed on a Samsung Galaxy device.

He also took the opportunity to talk about Samsung’s plans for 3D content.
Half of Samsung’s 2012 television line up will be be 3D, and Baxter sees room for plenty of growth, but there isn’t a ton of content that takes advantage of those nifty displays. Without that content, users would be hard-pressed to take the 3D plunge.

In order to give those 3D TV owners something new to watch, Samsung has partnered up with companies like NBC Universal to rejigger video content for 3D displays. Sci-fi nerds will be glad to known that Samsung and NBC Universal aims to make 3D versions of shows like Battlestar Galactica for purchase or streaming through Samsung’s Media Hub later this year.

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