Eyes On: The Tagg Pet Tracker

Qualcomm subsidiary Snaptracs was on hand at Pepcom’s Digital Experience event to demo their Tagg pet tracker, and really — what better way to do it than with a large stuffed dog?

See that grey doodad on Fido’s neck? That’s the Tagg tracker proper, and assuming you remembered to charge it, you’ll be able to ping the tracker at any time from your PC or smartphone in order to figure out where your dog ran off to. You can also set up specific “Tagg zones” that encompass where your animal friend likes to spend their time, and email notifications can be setup for when they wander astray. And thanks to its reliance on Verizon Wireless’s network, you probably won’t need to worry about going without your dog’s location for long.

The caveat? It’s meant for use with cats and dogs that are over ten pounds, so don’t bother trying to throw one on your chihuahua. Then again, if you’re the type of person who owns a chihuahua, there’s a very real chance that you keep it on a short leash anyway.

Interested? The master kit, which includes the tracker, charger, clip assembly, and 30 days of service will run you $99.95, with each additional month running you $7.95.

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