Japan’s NHK To Broadcast London Olympics In Ultra-HD – 7,680×4,320 Pixels (Video)

If full HD resolution isn’t enough for you, then how about 16 times the resolution of full HD? Japan’s national public broadcasting organization NHK has been working on so-called Ultra HD technology for years, and now it’s ready for the first big test in public.

NHK is planning public screenings of some events at the London Olympics next year in Ultra HD resolution (7,680×4,320 pixels) – not only in Japan, but also in the UK and the US. A first test of actually transmitting that amount of data internationally was completed back in March this year.

The video embedded below doesn’t go into details as far as the public screenings are concerned, but it does deliver some interesting tidbits about Ultra-HD, for example the ability to produce surround sound with 22.2 channel audio:

Video courtesy of Diginfo TV

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