Infographic: The Mobile World In 60 Seconds

To say that things move quickly in the mobile space is putting it rather mildly, but an infographic from mobile ad exchange Mobclix aims to highlight what goes down every 60 seconds.

In case you were curious, in the time it took me to write out that first sentence, over 23,000 iOS apps were downloaded from Apple’s App Store.

Mobclix used data directly from app publishers, industry sources, and a little old-fashioned arithmetic to get the 60 second stats you see below. Of course, considering Mobclix’s background, there had to be some ad-related factoids in the mix too. Mobile advertisers will be glad to know (if they didn’t already) that some 4,111 ads are tapped each minute, though it almost makes you wonder how many ads were ignored in the same 60 second timeframe.

Now I don’t know about you guys, but I for one will sleep better knowing that between the time I fall asleep and the time I wake up, people will have collected 64.8 billion coins in Tiny Zoo Friends.

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