Twitter Is At 250 Million Tweets Per Day, iOS 5 Integration Made Signups Increase 3x

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has just dropped some numbers at a speaker dinner here at Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. Costolo revealed that the company has gone from 90 million tweets per day in September of 2010 to 100 million at the beginning of this year to 1/4 billion tweets per day as of today, a 177% percent change.  Twitter is now serving up a billion tweets every 4-5 days, Costolo said.

The company has gone from having 30% of its 100 million users active every day in January 2011 to over 50% active daily users today. The recent iOS 5 Twitter integration has notably increased signups 3x.

Costolo said that those 250 million tweets mean that there’s enough content on the site that a new user should be able to find something relevant to them, “We’ve got to figure out how to capture the volume at the same time as separating the signal from the noise.”

Costolo has ambitious plans for scale, “We think that we can be on 2 billion devices around the world, and reach every person on the planet, and the way to do that is through simplifying.”

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