Tim Cook: 250 Million iOS Devices Sold, Huge Retail Traffic, Record Numbers Everywhere

Tim Cook started today’s iPhone announcement off with some Apple stats, and he had a lot of good news. First was their growth in the retail sector, where Cook focused on the new stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Cook’s headline stat was that while their store in LA took a month to reach 100,000 visitors, the Shanghai store did that number on its opening weekend.

Next was the Mac. OS X 10.7, Lion, has sold more than six million copies — which he notes is 80% more than Snow Leopard, and furthermore a number it reached ten times faster than Windows 7. He didn’t mention that Windows 7 sold an additional 455 million copies or so after that, but hey.

The growth of Apple’s MacBook and iMac lines was also a topic of discussion. Cook noted that Apple computers grew at six times the rate that PCs have, and that the MacBook Pro and iMac are the best-selling laptop and desktop in the US. Total install base right now? 58 million.

On the iPod front, a device many feared would have its original form factor discontinued today, Cook noted that Apple has sold a total of 300 million iPods. The iTunes store has expanded to encompass 20 million songs, and users have downloaded 16 billion of them.

Perhaps more impressive is the fact that Apple has sold 250 million iOS devices. That’s iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads — and we’ll do a breakdown of those sales numbers later. The iPhone 4, he says, makes up more than half the iPhones they’ve sold, and is the number one smartphone in the world.

There’s more coming, including the actual news of the day. Stay tuned.

[image: Engadget]

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