Use Yammer Connect To Integrate Log-Ins And Feeds Into Third-Party Applications

Enterprise social networking platform Yammer is expanding the reach of its network today, launching Yammer Connect. The new plug-ins allows users to bring their Yammer identity to other business applications and an Embed feature enables companies to embed Yammer feeds into their intranet or other apps.

Using a JavaScript API, developers can add the Yammer Login Button to their applications via Yammer Connect. The Login Button eliminates the need for Yammer’s more than three million users to maintain multiple user profiles across business applications. So similar to the way you use Facebook Connect to log into consumer apps, Yammer Connect allows workers to authenticate business apps with their Yammer identity, and all of their profile details will automatically be completed. And users can share activity from third-party applications with colleagues back on Yammer.

Using ‘Yammer Embed’, companies can actually add Yammer’s conversations and realtime feeds into other business apps where employees spend their time, such as company intranets or content management systems. Yammer Embed lets employees view, post and reply to messages in the context of their work without having to navigate to a separate application.

Yammer also recently added support for in-line videos within news feeds and badges to its communications application. Expanding the reach of Yammer to third-apps is yet another way that the company can become the Facebook for the Enterprise.

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