Michael Arrington’s New Executive Assistant Did It All For The Labradors

Michael Arrington decided to test the limits of what his new Executive Assistant, Greg Barto, can actually do by asking the TechCrunch readers to suggest tasks he should complete for one day. Using Zaarly, Greg was sent on a day long adventure fulfilling tasks (risking his life and dignity?) offered up by the community and doing it all for charity. Luckily, it is all captured in the video below. Viewer discretion is advised.

Zaarly #1: Greg almost got stung by hundreds of bees on the top of a roof in SOMA.

Zaarly #2: Greg taught a whole company how to Dougie, during a meeting they were having.

Zaarly #3: Greg delivered a singing telegram to someone’s boyfriend, singing Britney Spears to him and the Backstreet Boys.

Zaarly #4: Greg almost just got arrested for jumping in a fountain outside of a corporate office.

Zaarly #5: Greg walked 5 dogs through Lafayette Park.

Zaarly #6: Greg professed his love to Mike in the middle of Union Square by singing him a song.

Disclosure: TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington is an investor in Zaarly. You can read about his investment policy here.

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