TechCrunch Europe Ad-hoc #CrunchUp this Wednesday in London

London is sunny for a change and the river is the beautiful so let’s take advantage of it. We’re having a totally impromptu, ‘organised at the last minute’ CrunchUp/Meetup/WhateverUp meetup this Wednesday, 3rd August. The last time we did this was 2008. We’re a bit over-due for another!

So we want you to come along in your startup garb, bring t-shirts, schwag to hand out and even a flag if you’re feeling creative. But wait, I hear you ask – why are we not having this at “Silicon Roundabout” I hear you ask? Well, because it’s a change of scene, lots of other people not in London want to come in to a big transport hub like Waterloo, it’s central for West London startups… and everyone knows where it is. Register here so we have an idea of numbers (it’s free). Sponsors:

Huge thanks to our drinks sponsors:, Founder of Cambridge Healthcare
Forward: We’re a media technology company thanks to @waynegibbins @peoplebrowsr “social analytics with 1,000 days of tweets”

So, the details:

Date:: Wednesday, 3rd August.

Time: 4pm onwards until whenever. We’re going to bag as many tables as we can, so come and help!

Register: Register here so we have an idea of numbers. It’s free.

Place: Royal Festival Hall on the outside upper Terrace (not Strada), on a map here. (See also images above).

Nearest Tubes: Waterloo (follow the crowds to the SouthBank/Royal Festival Hall) or Embankment (walk over the bridge to the Southbank / Festival Hall)

WiFi: The Southbank has free WiFi!

Food: The RFI has a cafe inside which serves hot and cold food.

Tags: The “Official” hashtag for this event is #CrunchUp

PLAN B: If for whatever reason the Southbank Centre doesn’t work out we’ll switch to the BFI Film Cafe which is literally 100 yards away here under Waterloo Bridge. Or, if anything else changes Register here so we can email you.

How do I check where you are if I get lost?: I will Twitter any relevant info, or follow the hashtag #crunchup on Twitter.

Agenda: There is no agenda other networking and having fun in the sun. OK, we may announce a secret plan…

Sponsors: Want to buy everyone a drink? Email me and we’ll promote you before and during the event to our collective 50,000 Twitter followers (an d the rest).

Clear? See you there!

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