'Many Apple Fans Around The World Wonder Which Sweaters Steve Jobs Wears'

Ah, the marvel that is our tips inbox. Just landed: an email from luxury fashion label VONROSEN, bringing forth the revelation that Apple head honcho Steve Jobs was wearing one of their cashmere sweaters on stage at WWDC 2011 earlier this week (and later when he asked the Cupertino city council for space to park his spaceship or something).

The email came straight from Dr. David Frederik von Rosen-von Hoewel, the label’s CEO, and it went something like this (slightly redacted):

Dear Techcrunch-Team,

Many Apple fans around the world are wondering which sweaters Steve Jobs wears.

We just wanted to let you know that at the WWDC 2011 on Monday he was wearing our VONROSEN Sweater.

Please feel free to contact me for any further information you might need.

Best regards,
David von Rosen

So there you have it. To the legions of Apple fans around the globe who were missing out on this critical piece of information about your highness: that was a VONROSEN sweater.

Now that I’ve got you all giddy, let me stomp on your excitement right away: reportedly due to the “large number of inquiries”, VONROSEN’s system is currently unable to take further orders.

Yeah like you’d spend $616 on a sweater instead of treating yourself to that extra iPad 2.

Update: looks like Von Rosen’s news update was removed. hmmmm.

On a barely related note: You’re Not Mark Zuckerberg – But You Can Dress Like Him

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