The MB&F HM4 Only Watch: For All Your Panda-Riding-A-Jet-Engine Needs

The MB&F MH4 looks like a pair of jet engines roaring off your wrist and costs about as much as the fuel needed to power one of those jet engines for a cross-country flight. However, the HM4 Only Watch limited edition costs even more (provided you can take part in the auction) and features a tiny removable panda cast in gold.

Yeah, you read that right.

HM4 Only Watch features the dream-world scenario of a solid gold panda bear riding on top of the HM4 jet, which he controls with reins made of twisted gossamer filaments made of gold. The panda was hand-carved and then cast in 18k white gold using the “lost wax” technique. And while the HM4 Only Watch is a celebration of the fantasy of children’s dreams, there is also a feature for those obliged to ground their feet in reality from time to time: the panda and his reins have been micro-engineered to be completely detachable so that HM4 transforms from a flying machine into a Horological Machine.

All proceeds go to support muscular dystrophy research and the auction happens yearly, giving watchmakers a chance to create a unique timepiece only available to high bidders. A good cause, a panda, and a watch that looks like a pair of painful suppositories? Sign me up!

via MB&F

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