Idea Flight Turns iPads Into Presentation Platform

Condé Nast has unveiled a new iPad app called Idea Flight that they claim “is a new tool designed to share ideas, presentations, documents and designs easily and effectively.” One iPad user is a the “pilot” for a presentation and up to 15 “passenger” iPads can follow along via WiFi or Bluetooth. Idea Flight isn’t a general purpose presentation app, but it does look to make the iPad a more useful business device. Here’s the marketing video.

Idea Flight from Idea Flight on Vimeo.

Idea Flight looks to do a couple things right, right out of the box. A “passenger list” allows anyone following the presentation to see the names, photos and titles of all other attendees. Attendees can send an invitation to connect for follow-up, and rather than try to create a new professional network experience, Idea Flight used LinkedIn to connect people. Content for presentations can be accessed through Dropbox, iTunes file sharing, or even email.

Business presentations are an obvious use case for Idea Flight, but in our post-PC world there may be more interesting uses for this kind of app. Schools using iPads in the classroom, for example.

The app is free, and allows your iPad to be a passenger. If you want to be a pilot, you need to make an in-app purchase of $7.99.

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