Keen On… Robert Vamosi: When Gadgets Betray Us + Book Giveaway

Can gadgets betray us? Is the Pope Catholic?

Last week, we ran an interview with Robert Vamosi, a senior security analyst at Mocana, and the author of When Gadgets Betray Us, about the iPhone location tracking kerfuffle.

But Vamosi’s new book goes beyond a critique of Apple and Google. When Gadgets Betray Us is a broad warning about how the latest technology hardware – from smart meters to medical devices – is leaking our data. And Vamosi offers a broad critique of technology, even arguing that we need to redefine the concept of “hacking” in an age where both privacy and traditional notions of intellectual property are in crisis.

So is Vamosi correct? Can gadgets really betray us?

To celebrate Vamosi’s new book, we are giving away 3 free copies of When Gadgets Betray Us. If you want one, you don’t need to betray anyone. Just follow these steps to enter:

1. Retweet this post and include the #TechCrunch hashtag
2. Let us know how you’ve been betrayed by a gadget.

The giveaway starts now and ends tomorrow at 12:00pm PST.

When gadgets betray us

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How to protect ourselves against prying gadgets

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Why we need to redefine the idea of hacking

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