Sprint To Launch Anti-Texting-While-Driving Service For Android

Back in January, T-Mobile launched DriveSmart, an Android app which automatically disables the ability to text whenever it detects that you’re driving (or, really, just moving at a certain speed. If you’re just bein’ a passenger, you can override it — but make sure you’re really just a passenger. It sends a text to your ‘rents [or whoever set it up] letting them know its been overridden).

That launch, it seems, has started a trend.

Sprint’s now getting in on the anti-texting fun, announcing plans to launch a similar (or identical, really; it’s made by the same people) service called “Drive First” in Q3 of this year. Like T-Mobile’s offering, this one’ll be for Android only. Also like T-Mobile’s service, it won’t be free — but at $2 a month, it’s less than half of the $4.99 that T-Mobile is charging

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