Hitachi To Offer Super-Advanced Smartphone LCD Display

Hitachi subsidiary Hitachi Displays yesterday announced [JP] that it has developed a new LCD display for smartphones whose quality reaches the “limit of what is discernible to the human eye”. And a look at the spec sheet reveals that big H is indeed prepping quite a display. Here are the main specs:

By way of comparison: the iPhone 4’s Retina display features 960×640 resolution, 326 ppi pixel density and a 800:1 contrast ratio (at 3.5 inches).

Hitachi currently plans to mass-produce the display starting October this year. The company is also expecting cell phone makers to use it for touchscreen and 3D-enabled handsets. SID 2011 attendees can have a look at the display in May this year.

Apologies for the small picture (which is the only one available at this point).

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