Career and Workplace Community Raises $12 Million, an online career and workplace community raised $12 million in a Series C funding led by Battery Ventures with participation from existing investors Benchmark Capital and Sutter Hill Ventures. This investment brings the startup’s total funding to $22 million.

Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community where people can find and anonymously share information about companies, jobs, CEOs, salary and even job interviews. To access Glassdoor’s full database of information, users have to contribute some job-related data of their own, making th site more of a community. The company also uses the anonymous data to publish insights about the job market and sectors, including the most wacky job interview questions and a list of naughty and nice CEOs.

The startup, which first launched in 2008 (with just 250 companies and 3,000 reviews), has roughly 3.5 million monthly unique visitors and includes employee-generated data, including company and compensation data, on more than 110,000 companies in over 100 countries.

The additional funding will be used for investing in international expansion, more data and advertising technology, and hiring.

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