Sony To Go After More PS3 Hackers, Including Linux Hacker Graf_Chokolo

Sony is apparently going after more hackers than just George Hotz and fail0verflow. Sony is looking to get DMCA suits against all PS3 jailbreakers who share Sony’s source code on Github. Well-known PS3 hackers Waninkoko, KaKaRoTo, Hermes, Kmeaw and Graf_Chokolo have been named in documents to Github requesting all docs and posts from the users, as well as all contact information.

This comes just a few days after Graf_Chokolo claimed to have a fully stable version of Linux running on the PS3 with all of the GameOS features. Graf_Chokolo posted a comment on XorHack saying:

And here we go  Linux is officially back on PS3 3.41. It’s even better now 

It has all GameOS features, it has access to all HDD, VFLASH and FLASH regions. It can communicate with Dispatcher Manager, Update Manager, SYSCON Manager, it can run isolated SPUs, and of course RSX 

I uploaded some screenshots of the Debian distribution i installed on my PS3 HDD. The Debian distribution is a just normal PPC64 Linux without any modification, all i changed was my dutifully and beloved Hypervisor 

I modified the Hypervisor so far that it boots the Linux bootloader petitiboot from VFLASH and petitboot loads the Linux distribution installed on a HDD region.
And what is better than Linux to boot Linux ? 
I practically implemented Dual Boot feature GameOS+OtherOS in the Hypervisor  Linux is not the only OS which can be booted like this from PS3 HDD.

Now we don’t need GameOS anymore to run our code, no need anymore for SELFs and we can start now programming our own games on PS3 on Linux 

I will make everything public 

And greetings to SONY  Hand me over the maintance and implementation of PS3 Hypervisor  I will improve it and maintain for free  We all will benefit. HV hacking is great fun 

He also shared photos of his hacks. We’re unsure if all his will help his case against Sony.

[via dukio]

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