Twileshare makes file-sharing on Twitter super easy

We’ve become used to the idea of sharing photos on Twitter (from Twitpic to, video (YouTube to Qik) and audio (Cinch to Soundcloud). But have we done much file-sharing via Twitter? Not to date.

There’s Tweetshare, Filesocial and Tweetcube but they are not something you will see in the average user’s stream – or at least not mine, and I follow nearly 4,000 accounts.

Twileshare is still in beta and launched just before Christmas but already it’s seen a lot of viral traffic from what I can see. There are now 24,000 mentions of it on Google.

After logging in via Twitter you upload and share images, PDFs, Word and Excel files up to 20MB in size. Almost any kind of file can be shared and PDFs and Word documents are also placed in the page via Scribe’s API so that you can simply view the document on a page rather than downloading it to that pile of other PDFs on your desktop you meant to read but still haven’t. You can also see how many times your file has been viewed and tweeted, comment on uploaded files.

Although they are running Google ads on it, Twileshare’s founders Danny Bull and Ryan Foster are hesistant about charging for a premium service – the jury is out on that. What is more likely is branded channels for organisations.

You can’t yet DM a file link but it is potentially in the plan – which would make this even more interesting, shall we say.

We have an invite link that will give the first 200 people to comment on this post access, so let us know what you think.

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