WikiReader Can Now Access 33,000 Project Gutenberg E-Books

The WikiReader just got a bit more content where the phrase “a bit” refers to 33,000 books. The landslide of content comes from Project Gutenberg, which is now available on the little e-reader. The entire Project Gutenberg library can be fitted onto a 4GB microSD card and then slid into the WikiReader. It actually works a lot like Wikipedia currently on the device. Users can access articles, books and also search by keyword.

The WikiReader has always been marketed with the phrase “The Internet without the Internet” and this release adds to the message. The small form factor however doesn’t exactly lend itself to a comfortable reading experience over, say, a Kindle. But it’s portable and doesn’t require an Internet connection. The $99 price tag helps its cause a bit too.

The new content is available right now. Users just need to direct their browsers to this link where the update can either be downloaded directly or even snail-mailed to you. How quaint.

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