Time Warner Shows Off Its $200/Month SignatureHome Package For The Remaining Rich


Today I got to see Time Warner’s Signature Home $200 a month service package offerings up close and personal at a loft they rented in fancy-pants Soho. The offering, which is comparable to their triple-play program except that you get 24/7 customer service including concierge-style phone service and installation techs who will spend up to three hours at your home setting up all your junk. They even wear little booties so they don’t scratch up your imported zebra-wood and elephant ivory parquet floors.

To be fair, you do get two 500GB DVRs as well as a digital VOIP service with included caller ID that will AIM when you get a call. You can also control the DVRs over the Internet and iPad and iPhone apps are forthcoming. Finally, you get “wideband” Internet through DOCSIS 3.0-tier networking with 50Mbps down and 5Mbps up, an improvment from their current real-world service of about 1Mbps down and “Why Don’t You Send a Letter In The Mail, It Will Get There Faster”Mbps up.

The service is currently unavailable in Dallas and LA while their “wideband” service is available in small cities throughout the US. Until it rolls out in your nabe, friends, you’re going to have to depend on their current, non-SignatureHome techs scuffing up your linoleum.

We talked to Sam Howe, CMO, about the installs as well as the future of 3D on cable.

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