WikiLeaks Reports It Is Under A Denial Of Service Attack!/wikileaks/status/8920530488926208

A lot of people, including many governments, have problems with WikiLeaks, the site dedicated to publishing sensitive and often classified documents. (Read more background on the controversial organization). The site is currently under a distributed denial of service attack, according to a Tweet from the WikiLeaks account. The site seems to be withstanding the attack so far. It is up right now.

The DDOS attack comes just as WikiLeaks is preparing to release another set of U.S. government documents—this time diplomatic cables which may prove so embarrassing that the State Department decided to warn foreign governments ahead of their release.

But WikiLeaks reports via Twitter that even if the site goes down, newspapers around the world will publish excerpts from the cables:!/wikileaks/status/8924979961798657

So who is behind the DDOS attack—government spy agencies, the Russians, 4chan? It is obviously a conspiracy. Different people will have different theories, including that WikiLeaks itself is behind the “attack” to draw attention (and sympathy) on the eve of its latest big leak. But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt for now, until proven otherwise.

Update: The New York Times published its first series of articles on the leaked documents along with selected cables.

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