Colorín, Colorado: Barnes And Noble Debuts NOOKbooks En Español

Looks like Barnes and Noble has launched NOOKbooks en español, which, as you may have guessed, is a store that sells libros españoles. (I’ve no idea why Barnes and Noble insists on random capitalization when it comes to Nook stuff, however.) The books sold there are compatible with all makes and models of the Nook universe, including the new Nook Color.

Barnes and Noble tells us that NOOKbooks en español is the first Spanish-language digital bookstore in the U.S. Feather, enter cap in three, two…

One little glitch I found: I tried to search for sports books in the little search box there, so I started to spell deportes and it gave me English-language suggestions:

Here I am looking for a sports book and they’re suggesting “deported” (and, earlier, “decision points”). So that’s a little weird.

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