Amazon Goes Nice For The Kindle Holiday Ads

Amazon is done with the silly flame war. The latest Kindle ads make no mention of the iPad or any competitor really. Instead, they simply show off the Kindle’s two main selling points — portability and content.

This holiday season could break all previous records for the Kindle and these ads are no doubt part of the push. Last year, the ereader was only sold from Amazon itself. This year Best Buy, Staples, and Target all have the device on their shelves. Combine that with nearly no new competition, cheaper 3rd-gen models and a deeper consumer acceptance of the form factor, and Amazon will swimming in cash Scrooge McDuck style post Christmas. It’s going to be silly.

Barnes & Nobel released a color version of its Nook ereader just a few weeks back, but rather than cutting directly into the sales of the Kindle, it will likely carve out its own market. There’s more than enough room in this space for two dominate products . These latest ads really show the advantages of the form factor as a whole rather than just for the Kindle itself. The Nook will likely benefit from them as well. But really, if you want to get to the flamewars, it’s the Nook and Kindle verse the iPad anyway. [via best-ereaders]

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