This Spring: EA's Battlefield Play4Free. Guess What It Is.

EA has announced the development of Battlefield Play4Free. I’ll forgive the use of the “4” in the title since Battlefield 3 is already in development. Moving on. As you might imagine, it’s Battlefield, and it’s free. Not too bad.

The game, which is currently scheduled to be released this coming springtime, allows up to 32 concurrent players. I find that 24 players is the max you can online without the match becoming a clusterwhatever, but I’m willing to learn to fight my way amongst the horde.

It’s free to play, yes, but playing the game will earn you in-game currency, currency that you can later use to make your guy spiffy.

And this isn’t mentioned anywhere, but I’d guess that you’d be able to spend real life currency on in-game doodads.

The trailer looks fine, but man alive can we move post the “military shooter = heavy metal soundtrack” line of thinking? Why not some hip-hop, or maybe even smooth jazz?

Mix things up, you know?

In any event, here’s the game’s Twitter thing in case you want up-to-the-minute info.

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