Video: Musician/Comic Reggie Watts Improvises Song About Pancakes Using Only His iPhone During Sirius XM Interview

Your iPhone, now a musical instrument. Musician slash comic Reggie Watts was recently interviewed by Ron Bennington (of Ron & Fez fame) on Sirius XM’s Unmasked. (Unmasked is a series of long-form interviews, hosted by Bennington, with comics, musicians, writers, etc. It’s quite good, and is a pretty much proof positive that, for all its faults, Sirius XM can actually be worth a damn every once in a while.) This bit, I thought, would be particularly interesting to you iPhone fans out there. It may also interest those of you who like pancakes.

What we have here is Watts, who forgot to bring his equipment to the interview, completely improvising a song using only his iPhone. (And as we all know, improv is quite difficult.) I don’t know if the song is officially tittled “Pancakes,” but if I can suggest a subtitle, how about, “Yeah, that’s pretty great”?

Incidentally, I may be working on a music+iOS thing in the coming weeks. Hopefully it turns out all right, knock on whatever.

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