Audioboo releases iPhone app with direct audio messaging

Back in April Audioboo, a kind of Twitter for Audio which now has apps for iPhone, Android and the web, launched a voicemail message akin to Twitter Direct Message, but in audio, of course. That means you don’t need to know someone’s phone number, just be connected on Audioboo. The ‘Messages’ function also allows you to attach an image and geotagg your location to each message.

Messaging is ultimately intended for paid-up ‘pro’ members of the service eventually but so far it has worked on Audioboo’s web interface for all.

As of a few minutes ago it went live on the iPhone version.

Audioboo CEO Mark Rock believes Audioboo will be used mainly as audio messages from holidays or between people who know eachother well, however I remain unconvinced. I think the ‘instant podcast’ application of Audioboo is just perfect.

Yet more voicemails in my life I do not need. This is why I am using VoxScience on my voicemail to translate audio messages into text. Voicemail sucks, whether its phone based, iPhone app-based, Web-based or otherwise.

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