The new Pogo Stylus for iPhone has a little trick up its sleeve

As the touchscreen era rages on with no end in sight, there’s at least one group out there that tends to go unnoticed: the big-handed. Some call’em Meat Sticks; some call’em Sausage Fingers. Whatever you call big ol’ digits, one things for sure: they make touchscreens painful

For the past few years, Ten One Design has offered up the Pogo Stylus as a means of touchscreen frustration salvation for mega-thumbed individuals. Today they’re pushing an updated version built for iPhone 4, and it’s got a bonus feature: it’s also a stand.

You see, a stylus isn’t much good unless you have it with you, and no one wants to carry the stylus around as a separate item. With that in mind, Ten One started shipping the Pogo with a snap-on clip that holds the stylus up against the side of the iPhone. The trick? That clip has a notch in it which, when the clip’s detached from the iPhone, allows it to hold up your iPhone in both portrait and landscape mode.

Bonus points: they include two clips in the box, one of which is just a biiiit bigger for all those folks who can’t part with their cases. This updated stylus is going for the same $14.95 price as the original. You can find it in it’s new anodized black, pink, orange, or green flavors right over here.

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